Thursday, December 9, 2010

Final Project

I made my project a digital portfolio. I thought that it would be useful because I could display my work and show people some of the things that I have done. I can also keep adding to it whenever I complete another project. The process of making my final project started out with creating my personal learning network. I joined Twitter, Linkedin, Diigo, and I also created an iGoogle account. I had to make a user name and password for all of these websites and see how they worked. These websites will help me build up my network and help me meet people that are in the field that I am interested in. After I made my personal learning network I had to decide which program I was going to use to build my digital portfolio. It was not easy to choose which one I was going to use. Some of the programs were harder to use than others and I had a hard time making up my mind. I finally came to a decision and decided that I was going to use wordpress. It had a nice layout and I could add all of the features that I needed. There were also different backgrounds and layouts to choose from. I changed the layout a few times until I found one that I liked. I had to figure out how to use wordpress and all of it's features. Then I had to decide what the content of the portfolio was going to be. I made pages for each of the different categories that were going to be displayed. I had to think about what pictures and work that I was going to display and how I was going to do it. After I found the pictures that I was going to use I had to figure out what I was going to do with them. The first thing I wanted to do was put all of the pictures on one page. Then I changed my mind and thought that it would be better if I made a slide show. I made a flickr account, but I didn't end up liking the program so I had to look for another way that I could display my work into a slide show. I found a website called that I ended up using. I uploaded all of my photos to the website and made two different slide shows. Then I had to embed the slide shows onto my word press so that you could see them without having to click on a link. I wrote information about myself in the about me. I also added my second life project under the videos category. I made a page for my personal learning network and had to add all of my links. I had to edit the page so that it would only show a picture of the networking website that was a link to my page. Then I added some information about myself in my resume. The last thing I did was upload a photo of myself on the home page.

Link to my portfolio